About Us

My passion for baking came ever since raising my kids - bless the school bake days! Over the past ten years, I have attended professional baking classes in Korea and Australia to upskill - not to mention the amount of experimental baking in my spare time!

Our Story

Officially started in 2019 selling pound cakes at various farmers markets. Since then, many recipe changes and menu changes later.. here we are! My love for consistently improving recipes and flavour combinations continue - as well as bringing new dessert trends to NZ! A humble baker bringing you some delicious sweet treats.


We do not offer delivery options as a one-woman business, there is only so much my body can do! Contactless pick up is available in Campbells Bay, North Shore.

Payment Info

Currently, we accept direct bank transfers and cash - bank transfers are preferred.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding your order or cakes, please feel free to DM us on our Instagram page for the fastest response.
Our address
Campbells Bay
Open hours
Tue-Sat 11:00 AM — 5:00 PM Sun 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM